Monday, January 12, 2009

Finish the sentence

I live: in the essence of my actual life on earth

I work: mad construction style on my personality like white powdery assembly liners, naked, at the mercy of a quick fix…..hard

I think: so that it functions, in and out of fluidity

I smell: lime and verbena, burning scented candles, old rusted pipes and over heated heat, dry in the air

I listen: as my life claps in every direction, echoing the attention of my feet

I hide: in obscure places, in shapeless faces, counting on silence to erase the traces

I walk: wit a limp, cuz I ain’t no simp, huntin cock, gotta tail, skip the dip, fryin shrimp, Ima pimp…haahaa, now you know that was funny and retarded as hell…I walk barefoot with my tribe

I write: to technically furnish my space with Italian metro-retro furniture, not to be sat or slept on but to be appreciated in its own packaging

I see: snowflakes with blueprints, coldly recreating

I sing: like the walls were not inanimately at my mercy, paying patrons….yeah right, poor walls

I can: recite in song most of the 50 United States in alphabetical order

I watch: you in my mind, treating me like a piece of glass

I daydream: all the time, that is how I track reality and time-travel

I fall: short, while falling every time, every chance

I want: the lack of money to stop fuckin up my defrost when I drive, the sky to take my temperature when I am doubled over, the ground to welcome me once my clock has broken

I cry: when the dam of damned crumbles

I read: words on surfaces, hiding in plain sight, hailing revelation

I love: them, you, love

I rode: the short bus to “what the hell for” high school for the lost and found (found out they was lost too)

I sometimes: challenge boldness to conquer my mouth and make me

I fear: incompletion, being my legacy, at death

I hope: I don’t bail out on core curriculums and a hand-picked picture of the days that follow

I eat: of the crumbs from his table

I drink: to paint while bathing in that silver lining…drip ….drip

I play: like I have a full deck, if you play with one eye

I miss: the fresh breath view of the world when I was four, the peace of mind I had before I used cable as channels, the built-in invisible umbrella on a beautiful beautiful day

I forgive: my bloodline for not understanding, having corn-shucks for ears, turning them away from the sun, stunted in growth

I drive: like speeding is my day job

I lost: my footings on relative topics between men and women, probably never had it, my shoes are very inexpensive

I dream: like they will never come true

I kiss: my babies, my babies, my babies

I hug: theories with muscles

I have: too many good ideas…this is no documentary

I remember: wanting it so, so bad

I don’t: want you to worry

I believe: in selflessness and chivalry

I owe: some people some money, the state, a lawsuit, the rest of you, continued pieces of my mind

I know: anything can be learned and unlearned

I hate: hate, meanness, dictators, truth fabricators, euphemism tasers, five-faced fakers

I wish: I were in the roller derby

My ex: is male

Maybe I should: give up, don’t think I can win this one

People would say that I am: the same girl they went to school with

I don’t understand: pig-latin

Life is full of: land, roads, journeys

My past is: over there in the “done” pile

I get annoyed when: I have to explain my goals to a passerby or when people don’t put themselves in my position

Parties are: wack unless I am there….you might wanna ask somebody

Tomorrow is: a new 24

Never in my life have I: imagined I’d be this far down the rabbit hole, hey, where is that mark-ass rabbit anyway, I gotta go to work…I think

When I was younger: I was a lot darker in complexion than I am now

When I am nervous: a series of things could occur, my limbs may shake, I may have a panic attack or start to hyperventilate

When I was 5: I was the oldest in my kindergarten class

My life is not complete with out the truth

If you visit my hometown: you probably would complain, like most every one else from a bigger, faster city while makin a decent living

I once dreamt that: you fixed my computer

The world can do without: divisions amongst the peoples, the masses

If I ever go back to school: I am, throwin myself under the school

And, by the way: no mystery lies within me, primary as box of crayons

...feelin like a prisoner, trapped in the heat of the moment

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