Friday, December 26, 2008

Ok, uh, it has been a while since I have been here. My profile actually says the last and quite possibly the first time I logged on here was in June of 2007. It is now December of 2008. Dangadang! I have decided to start blogging all the levels of retarded, mysterious and the unknown space dust particles, that constantly vacation in my head instead of only posting poems (that's right folks, me is a poet) and basically, somewhat, return to one (out of the grip) of my teen-age aspirations which was (and those that know me will be so surprised to come across this, ha, not) Journalism. Yeah son, I wanted to be a journalist. I thought it was one of the coolest and most interesting subjects that I had to choose from in high school as an elective so uh, I took it twice. I loved it, still do. All a part of my geeky tendencies to collect data which is essentially what a reporter/journalist does. Yes. I was actually sharing with a good friend this afternoon just how much and why I super dug the journalist thing. Being able to create layouts for magazines and newspapers using words, drawing in the viewer/reader with designs and font styles/sizes, and realizing that all those functions had a name and served a purpose. Waaaay coooool to me! I will also be starting school in March of 2009 so I am going to try and pencil in some journalism in the criteria as I embark on the great journey of "this school stuff betta pay off so I can get paid more", of the future. Until then I am and will be trying to create new cracks in my brain by inputting more info in the mighty space dome and maybe getting over my nervousness of public speaking by actually reading some of my poems. Of course there are a lot of other things I will be doing until March like paying my parents back (good-bye income taxes, I love you), acting like not having money is just a temporary set back that doesn't bother me a smidge', not going to jail for child abuse (only joking, don't flip the script), applying lotion on a daily basis so as to maintain my true ethnicity (cuz I look real fare when I'm ashy, ya know), continue to make the most eclectic playlist on the planet, and I will round this list up with some good old fashioned Bible study. No joke. Well, the new year is fast approaching and so my craving for Vodka. If I don't hit blog back before then, Happy New Years I bid you.


1 comment:

JBeeez Rants said...

I see that you don't waste anytime. LOL!!
School is a good investment. They are trying to say that it is not as good of an investment financially. I find it hard to believe though.